- Jones DS, Lapakko KA, Wenz ZJ, Olson MC, Roepke EW, Sadowsky MJ, Novak PJ, Bailey JV (2017 in press). Novel microbial assemblages dominate weathered sulfide-bearing rock from copper-nickel deposits in the Duluth Complex, Minnesota, USA. Appl Environ Microbiol 83:e00909-17 (in press) (doi:10.1128/AEM.00909-17) Link
- Jones DS, Roepke EW, Hua, AA, Flood BE, Bailey JV (2017, in press). Complete genome sequence of Sulfuriferula sp. str. AH1, a sulfur-oxidizing autotroph isolated from weathered mine tailings from the Duluth Complex in Minnesota. Genome Announc (in press)
- Grettenberger CL, Pearce AR, Bibby KJ, Jones DS, Burgos WD, Macalady JL (2017). Efficient low-pH iron removal by a microbial iron oxide mound ecosystem at Scalp Level Run. Appl Environ Microbiol 83:e00015-00017. (doi:10.1128/AEM.00015-17) Link
- Sharrar AM, Flood BE, Bailey JV, Jones DS, Biddanda BA, Ruberg SA, Marcus DN, Dick GJ (2017) Novel large sulfur bacteria in the metagenomes of groundwater-fed chemosynthetic microbial mats in the Lake Huron basin. Front Microbial 8: 791. (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00791) Link pdf
- Galdenzi S and Jones DS, (2017, in press). The Frasassi Caves: A “classical” active hypogenic cave. In Klimchouk A, Palmer A, Waele JD, Auler A, Audra P (ed), Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World. Springer. (ISBN 978-3-319-53347-6) Link
- Jones DS, Schaperdoth I, Macalady JL (2016). Biogeography of sulfur-oxidizing Acidithiobacillus populations in extremely acidic cave biofilms. ISME J 10: 2879 (doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.74) Link pdf
- Flood BE, Fliss R, Jones DS, Dick GJ, Jain S, Kaster AK, Winkel M, Mubmann M, Bailey JV (2016). Single-cell (meta-)genomics of a dimorphic Candidatus Thiomargarita nelsonii reveals henomic plasticity. Front Microbial 7: 603 (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00603) Link pdf
- Jones DS, Flood BE, Bailey JV (2016). Metatranscriptomic insights into polyphosphate metabolism in marine sediments, ISME J (doi:10.1038/ismej.2015.169) pdf Link to manuscript link to scripts
- Jones, DS and Macalady, JL (2016). The snotty and the stringy: energy for subsurface life in caves. in Advances in Environmental Microbiology: Their World: a Diversity of Microbial Environments, ed. by C.J. Hurst, Springer DE, Heidelberg, Germany, p. 203-224 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-28071-4_5) Link
- Jones DS, Kohl K, Grettenberger C, Larson LL, Burgos WD, Macalady JL (2015). Geochemical niches of iron-oxidizing acidophiles in a coal mine discharge, Appl Environ Microbiol 81: 1242 (doi:10.1128/AEM.02919-14) Link pdf
- Jones DS, Flood BE, Bailey JV (2015). Metatranscriptomic analysis of diminutive Thiomargarita-like bacteria (Candidatus Thiopilula spp.) from abyssal cold seeps of the Barbados Accretionary Prism, Appl Environ Microbiol (doi:10.1128/AEM.00039-15) Link pdf
- Jones DS, Polerecky L, Dempsey BA, Galdenzi S, Macalady JL (2015). Fate of sulfide in the Frasassi cave system and implications for sulfuric acid speleogenesis, Chem Geol 410: 21 (doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.06.002) Link pdf
- Zerkle AL, Jones DS, Farquhar J, Macalady JL (2015). Sulfur isotope values in sulfidic streams and sediments dominated by chemotrophic sulfide oxidation, Frasassi cave system, central Italy, Geochim Cosmochim Acta 173: 373 (doi:10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.028) Link
- Stevens ES, Bailey JV, Flood BE, Jones DS, Gilhooly WP, Joye SB, Teske A, Mason OU (2015). Barite encrustation of benthic sulfide-oxidizing bacteria at a marine cold seep, Geobiology 13: 588 (DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12154) Link
- Flood BE, Jones DS, Bailey JV (2015). The complete genome of Sedimenticola thiotaurini strain SIP-G1, a polyphosphate and polyhydroxyalkanoate-accumulating sulfur-oxidizing gammaproteobacterium isolated from salt marsh sediments, Genome Announc 3:e00671-15 (doi:10.1128/genomeA.00671-15) Link
- Flood BE, Jones DS, Bailey JV (2015). Sedimenticola thiotaurini sp. nov., a sulfide-oxidizing bacterium isolated from salt marsh sediments, and emended description of the genus Sedimenticola and Sedimenticola selenatireducens, Int J Sys Appl Microbiol 65: 2522 (doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.000295) Link
- Hamilton TL, Jones DS, Schaperdoth I, and Macalady JL (2015). Metagenomic insights into S(0) precipitation in a terrestrial subsurface lithoautotrophic ecosystem, Front Microbiol 5: 756 (doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00756) Link
- Jones DS (2015) Methods for characterizing microbial communities in caves and karst: a review, chapter in Microbial Life of Cave Systems, ed. By A.S. Engel, De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, p. 23-46. Link
- Jones DS, Schaperdoth I, and Macalady JL (2014) Metagenomic evidence for sulfide oxidation in extremely acidic cave biofilms. Geomicrobiol J 31:194-204. Link
- Macalady JL, Hamilton TL, Grettenberger CL, Jones DS, Tsao LE, and Burgos WD (2013) Energy, ecology, and the distribution of microbial life. Phil Trans R Soc B 368. Link
- Jones DS, Albrecht HL, Dawson K, Schaperdoth I, Freeman KH, Pi, Y, Pearson A, and Macalady JL (2012) Community genomic analysis of an extremely acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing biofilm. ISME J 6: 158-170. Link
- Brown JF, Jones DS, Mills DB, Macalady JL, and Burgos WD (2011) Application of a depositional facies model to an acid mine drainage site. Appl Environ Microbiol 77: 545-554. Link
- Jones DS, Tobler DJ, Schaperdoth I, Mainiero M, and Macalady JL (2010) Community structure of subsurface biofilms in the thermal sulfidic caves of Acquasanta Terme, Italy. Appl Environ Microbiol 76: 5902-5910. Link
- Jones DS, Lyon EH, and Macalady JL (2008). Geomicrobiology of biovermiculations from the Frasassi cave system, Italy. J Cave Karst Stud 70: 78-93. Link
- Macalady JL, Dattagupta S, Schaperdoth I, Jones DS, Druschel GK, and Eastman D (2008). Niche differentiation among sulfur-oxidizing bacterial populations in cave waters. ISME J 2: 590-601. Link
- Jones DS, IA Fleming, LK Krentz, and KK Jones, 2008, Feeding ecology of cutthroat trout in the Salmon River estuary, Oregon: pages 144-151 in P. J. Connolly, TH Williams, and RE Gresswell, editors. The 2005 coastal cutthroat trout symposium: status, management, biology, and conservation. Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Portland. Link
- Macalady JL, Jones DS, Lyon EH (2007). Extremely acidic, pendulous microbial biofilms from the Frasassi cave system, Italy. Environ Microbiol 9: 1402-1414. Link
Selected recent presentations
- Jones, DS, Lapakko, KA, Olson, MC, Hua, A, Roepke, EW, Bailey, JV, Sadowsky, MJ, Novak, PJ, 2016, Geomicrobiology of moderately acidic, pyrrhotite-bearing ore and waste rock from a new copper nickel mine prospect, Minnesota, USA, 16th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Montreal CA, August 2016.
- Jones, DS, Walker, GW, Johnson, NW, Mitchell, CPJ, Coleman Wasik, JK, Bailey, JV, 2015, Microbial communities associated with methylmercury production in two Northern Minnesota lakes, Midwest Geobiology Conference, Bloomington IN, October 2015
- Jones, DS, Chun, C, Novak, PJ, Sadowsky, MJ, 2015, Microbial sulfur cycling on the Iron Range of Minnesota, Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration Minnesota conference, Duluth MN, April 2015
- Invited: Jones, DS, Flood, BE, Bailey, JV, 2014, Microbial polyphosphate metabolism and phosphorus cycling in hypoxic marine sediments, Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2014, Portland, OR
- Jones, DS, Flood, BE, and Bailey, JV, 2013, Thiomargarita-like microorganisms from deep cold seeps of the Barbados accretionary prism, Geological Society of America Fall Meeting 2013, Denver, CO
- Jones, DS, Flood, BE, and Bailey, JV, 2013, Microbial phosphate release from marine sediments: transcriptomics and geochemistry, Goldschmidt Conference 2013, Florence, Italy (abs#6111)
- Jones, DS, Flood, BE, and Bailey, JV, 2013, Applying ‘-omics’ to phosphorous cycling: comparative metatranscriptomics of microbial phosphate release from aquatic sediments, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2013, Minneapolis, MN (abs#44938)
- Invited: Jones, DS, Schaperdoth, I, and Macalady, JL, 2013, Subaerial microbial life in the sulfidic Frasassi cave system, Italy, Conference on Carbon and Boundaries in Karst, National Cave and Karst Research Institute, Carlsbad, NM
- Jones, DS, Polerecky, L, Dempsey, BA, Galdenzi, S, and Macalady, JL, 2011, Biological and abiotic controls on sulfide oxidation, acid production, and carbonate dissolution in the Frasassi cave system, Italy, GSA Fall Meeting
- Jones, DS, Davis, C, Justwan, H, and Wenger, L, 2011, Effect of PDC-bit platelets on geochemical data quality and hydrocarbon-systems evaluation, 25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Interlaken, Switzerland. Abstract pdf
- Jones, DS, Brown, JF, Larson, LL, Mills, DB, Macalady, JL, and Burgos, WD, 2011, Ecological niches of Fe-oxidizing acidophiles in a coal mine discharge, Goldschmidt Conference, Prague.
Other and popular press US Patent WO/2013/062640, Nanoparticle probes, methods, and systems for use thereof, A.C. Robinson, R.J. Pottorf, D.S. Jones, S. Dreyfus, Exxonmobil Upstream Research Company Jones, Novak, and Sadowsky (2015) "Making microbes work for Minnesota." Water Cycle Newsletter, April 2015, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, available: link Northup and Jones (2011) Microorganisms at Cueva de Las Sardinas AMCS Activities Newsletter no. 34 p. 142. Link Some of our geomicrobiology work on the Frasassi cave system was included in Stigobionti (2010), pictured at the right, an Italian cave biology text distributed to schools throughout the Marche Region, Italy. Contributed to the chapter ‘Focus Group on Caves and Karst as Model Systems in Geomicrobiology’ with AS Engel, D Northup, M Gary, B Gonzalez, J Gonzalez, E Hutchens, D Jones, J Macalady, J Spear, and M Spilde. in Martin, JB and White, WB (eds), 2008, Frontiers in Karst Research. Special Publication 13, Karst Waters Institute, Virginia. This publication resulted from the Karst Waters Institute workshop "Future Directions in Karst Research" (San Antonio, Texas, May, 2007). Link A few mentions of me and my research in the popular press http://gateway.bti.umn.edu/2015/05/01/rocking-the-duluth-complex/ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/09/150902140810.htm http://gateway.bti.umn.edu/2015/05/01/2015-mndrive-environment-symposium/ http://news.psu.edu/story/344485/2015/02/11/research/researchers-propose-way-remove-iron-contaminated-water http://www.livescience.com/9427-snot-microbes-carve-caves.html http://www.karstworlds.com/2006_12_01_archive.html http://www.nbcnews.com/id/16187130/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/cave-snot-carves-out-its-home/ http://www.livescience.com/3419-caves-reveal-evolution-ancient-microbes.html http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/12/081219172031.htm http://www.stephaniemmcpherson.com/page13.html http://scopeweb.mit.edu/articles/733/ And the best citation I have ever received… (or, how studying caves apparently disproves carbon dating???) https://answersingenesis.org/answers/news-to-know/news-to-note-december-16-2006-14555/ |